how to create a rate card as an influencer

Detailed Guide On How To Create A Rate Card As An Influencer 

One of the biggest challenges of the freelance hustle space is being able to communicate your monetary worth. In the course of this article, we will cover a detailed guide on how an Influencer can create a rate card without any fuss. Without further ado, let us delve in.

Short Answer To How To Create A Rate Card As An Influencer

To create a rate card as an influencer you need to; 

  1. Login to your Canva Pro account or any photo editing software
  2. Divide the image into four sections- your image, header section, services section, and pricing. 
  3. Add an appealing image that sells your brand, or what you want to offer as an influencer
  4. Add a header section- it should include a captivating call-to-hire creative. A practical example is “Hire. Get Satisfied. Repeat”.
  5. Add your pricing. 
  6. Add a services section detailing what you do as an influencer. 

What Is A Rate Card, And How Does It Boost Hireability In The Freelancing Space?

what is rate card

A rate card in simple terms is a graphical representation of the services that an influencer or any freelancer uses to communicate what they offer, and how much they provide the service. 

One of the best practices for rate cards is using simplicity and fewer color schemes in the design. A rate card that quickly communicates the value of the freelancer is what is today’s industry practice. Aligning yourself and your online hustle as an influencer with the recent practices in rate card design can help you scale your business. 

It is important to note that having a rate card boosts your chances of getting hired. Which is better? An ambiguous back-and-forth chat about how much you charge for a service, or a rate card that details everything you do, which sells you better?

Detailed Guide On How To Create A Rate Card As An Influencer In 2024

The following is a detailed guide on how an influencer can create a rate card without any fuss:

1. Login To Your Canva Account Or Any Other Photo Editing Software

The first part of creating a successful rate card as an influencer involves choosing good editing software. We recommend choosing Canva (Free or Paid). However, choose the best software that you are comfortable with. You will need to be skilled in the basics of photo editing to pull off a good industry standard rate card. 

2. Make A Rough Draft of 720 x 1200 pixels And Divide It Into 4 Sections

This is the tricky part. You can do this imaginatively, or use lines that will be removed later to go about this. Your image editing draft should be able to account for a section for your image, a header, a pricing section, and a services section. 

3. Add An Image Of Yourself To The Rate Card Image Draft

Add an image of yourself to the rate card image draft. The best practice is to use an image of yourself that radiates positive energy. An image of your upper burst, a smiling face, and a white background is a good way to go about it. In light of adding an image, avoid using animated or avatar-looking image versions of yourself. 

4. Add A Header Section

Your header section should be set up to have the title of the gig you are offering as a freelancer. The title should be professional, short and straight to the point. 

5. Add Your Pricing

The next practical step on how to create a rate card as an influencer is to add the pricing. A rate card is not complete without information about how much you charge for your services. If there is a variation in the service you offer, you can split your pricing section into “Basic Pricing”, “Standard Pricing”, and “Premium Pricing”.

6. Add The Services Section 

The last pinch from the salt bag is the services section. Do well to be precise and concise about what you have to offer as an influencer. Don’t overprice yourself or start skills that you do not possess. The need to make money should not be bigger than transparency, and brand trust. 


With the above-elucidated guide, you can create a rate card for your influencer business without any fuss. 

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