When did the labor x ai jobs bot officially launch

When Did The Labor X AI Jobs Bot (@laborX_ai_jobs_bot) Officially Launch?

Time Farm is another big name Telegram game in the market. Indulging in this Telegram game bot allows users to Earn SECOND tokens after completing different tasks. Users on this platform are encouraged to open the app every 4 hours in other to farm SECOND tokens. They offer a daily quiz that will allow you earn 100k $SECONDS. In the course of this article, we will answer the When Did The Labor X AI Jobs Bot (@laborX_ai_jobs_bot) Officially Launch? time Farm quiz. Without further let us delve in. 


When Did The Labor X AI Jobs Bot (@laborX_ai_jobs_bot) Officially Launch Time Farm Answer 

The answer to When Did The Labor X AI Jobs Bot (@laborX_ai_jobs_bot) Officially Launch quiz is May 6, 2024. To answer this question, click on the calender icon to select 05/06/2024. After answering the correct date, you will get a congratulatory prompt, and told to check back the next day for the next Time Farm Quiz

Detailed Guide On How To Answer The Time Farm Quiz

The following is a step by step order to follow to answer the quiz: 

1. Open the Time Farm game with this link https://t.me/TimeFarmCryptoBot?start=1jl1CSOllTcQYOZvR

2. On the downward part of the user interface, click on “Earn”

3. Click on “Oracle of Time 

4. Answer the daily question” When Did The Labor X AI Jobs Bot (@laborX_ai_jobs_bot) Officially Launch?” 

5. Click on “ claim $SECOND 100,000”.



The Time Farm crypto project is a web3 project that is run by the founders of Labor X and Chrono.tech. So it is likely that future date related quizzes would be related to events or ground breaking accomplishments within their organisation.


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